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What Is EF?
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About Me
What Is EF?
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Self-Understanding - Read each of the following questions. Check those that are true, based on what you know about your child, student or youth in your care.
Does your child hurry through tasks just to get them done?
Does your child dislike tasks or games that require the use of problem-solving skills?
Does your child need to have directions repeated?
Is your child, unaware of how their behavior affects others?
Organizational Skill - Read each of the following questions. Check those that are true.
Does your child have a hard time remembering to bring home items needed to complete their assignments?
Does your child have a hard time finding their completed assignments?
Does your child have a hard time keeping their room, backpack, locker, or desk clean and orderly?
Does your child have a hard time finding needed items on a regular basis?
Time Management Ability - Read each of the following questions. Check those that are true.
Does your child have a hard time starting assignments or chores early so that they get done on time?
Does your child have a hard time fitting new events into their schedule?
Does your child have a hard time accurately estimating how long something will take to complete?
Does your child often miss due dates or deadlines for assignments or tasks?
Emotion Control - Read each of the following questions. Check those that are true.
Does your child have frequent temper tantrums?
Does your child feel nervous more often than others my age do?
Does your child have a hard time controlling their angry feelings?
Does your child get upset by small issues?
Behavior Control - Read each of the following questions. Check those that are true.
Does your child interrupt conversations?
Does your child make inappropriate comments or remarks?
Does your child start tasks without waiting for or reading all the instructions?
Does your child blurt out answers in class without being called on by the teacher?
Flexibility - Read each of the following questions. Check those that are true.
Does your child have a hard time handling unplanned changes in a schedule?
Does your child have trouble moving from class to class or transitioning from school to home at the end of the day?
Does your child give up on a task if my first attempt is not successful?
Does your child have a hard time asking for help if something is not clear?
Initiative - Read each of the following questions. Check those that are true.
Does your child have a hard time starting tasks without being told?
Does your child need reminders to finish tasks like chores or homework?
Does your child need reminders to follow classroom or house rules?
Does your child have a hard time moving from one task to another?
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Attention - Read each of the following questions. Check those that are true.
Does your child have a hard time completing tasks, especially if they get difficult?
Does your child feel overwhelmed by large assignments or projects?
Does your child have a hard time ignoring small distractions in my environment?
Does your child talk to nearby people instead of working on a task?
Working Memory - Read each of the following questions. Check those that are true.
Does your child have a hard time remembering a verbal list of three or more things to do?
Does your child forget to hand in all their homework?
Does your child have-a hard time remembering to bring home items that they need to complete work?
Does your child answer only the first part of a multiple-part question?
Persistence - Read each of the following questions. Check those that are true.
Does your child have a hard time returning to a task if they are interrupted while doing it?
Does your child have a hard time staying "on task" if the task is boring to them?
Is your child easily distracted while trying to focus on work?
Does your child have a hard time setting goals in school or at home?
If you checked more than two statements out of any group of four, your child may have weakness in that particular area of Executive Functioning. Please include any additional thoughts or comments below and click 'Submit'