Substantial research has accumulated to show that ADHD is more than simply a problem with attention, hyperactivity, or even impulse control.
Many of the cognitive deficits associated with ADHD lie in the domain of executive functioning in neuropsychology.
Since the executive functions provide for human self-regulation, all this suggests that ADHD is a disorder of self-regulation.
This presentation will review a theory of ADHD that integrates these concepts into a more coherent and unifying model of ADHD.
This model provides for a deeper understanding of the nature of ADHD and its associated cognitive and social deficits along with numerous implications for the management of the disorder.
In Part 1, I discuss our understanding of ADHD symptoms from the perspective of a clinical researcher like myself and show how they actually represent many of the 7 components of executive functioning.
For more info on Jeanne Develle’s 6 Week Online Course ‘Understanding Executive Function’ CLICK HERE
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